
刊登者:Mayna Chien







不少人的夢想假期是飛往峇厘島享受名聞暇爾的spa之旅,現在你不需旅途勞頓即能enjoy質優的home spa ,體驗有靜心品質的療程。

本人熱愛另類療法,拜師多位國際聞名治療師並學過印度、 泰國、 法式、中式按摩手法、頭薦骨、能量平衡、及靈氣療法。 與坊間其他按摩手法最大的不同是:施者與受者都能產生身心完整一體的感覺、體會到深沈的平靜與流動的活力,溫暖而深刻地經驗放鬆、安詳,沈浸在無言的喜悅裡。

治療師簡介:Mayna 有快樂的能量與熱情的品質,本業是英文老師,自從2001年學習按摩及瑜伽至今,於2010年取得國際瑜珈師資證照,目前擔任瑜珈老師、靈氣導師以及按摩治療師,對於另類療法有異於常人的熱愛。現在她將融入瑜珈、身體心理治療、按摩,獨成一格,讓我們一起治癒自我、回到原有的完整與智慧。

Spa Hours: 9 am to 10 pm
費用:90分鐘 $1500
120分鐘 $ 1800
Tel: 0919193131
Line ID: mayna007

Mayna Chien is a practitioner and teacher of Thai Massage, Yoga and Reiki. As well as being a highly skilled and sensitive therapist, she is also a good friend to everyone she meets. Mayna has a burning passion for alternative therapies and yoga, having studied them since 2001. With refreshing and happy energy, she shares what she has learned with people who are open to receive it. She learned alternative therapy from world renowned therapists and she’s integrated the techniques of Indian, Thai, Chinese and French massage plus the spiritual healing of Reiki & chikung. The feedback she receives from her clients is that her work is very peaceful, warm and effective. Call Mayna on 0928 1919 3131 or email her at maynamail@yahoo.com.

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